Look forward to a brighter future

Look forward to a brighter future

Having an environmental-friendly lifestyle is not just a phrase for me. I don’t do it for trends or to catch attention. I firmly believe that every single step or act we do have an impact and what goes around comes around. I remember, when I was a kid, in the 90’s and 00’s there were several cartoons, that raised awareness about the importance of protecting the environment: Albert sagt… Natur- aber nur!, Captain Planet and the Planeteers, Il était une fois… notre terre. They were all synchronized and been played in many countries, also in Hungary. And in my early 20’s, when I moved out and started to live alone in Budapest, I was already selecting my waste like the paper, glass and PET bottles, even when there was no cultural support for that in those years. Selective bins were very far away and in only special locations, still me and my roommates brought all the stuff we gathered, from our household to those bins on Saturdays. Here I would like to mention two important conclusions: 1. How important early education is, and it’s never too early, 2. One person can’t save the planet alone, but one by one we could inspire our friends-circle and show them to a healthier lifestyle.

Back to the story of course next to selecting waste, there was the financial part, which haven’t let us to hoard unnecessary things, and this minimalism I have kept since then. What do I mean by that? Again, some personal examples: in my family we don’t upgrade our phones, just because a new version been dropped. We change them, when they not functioning anymore, but even first we try to repair our electrical devices and if it’s not possible, then we buy a new one. Earlier we weren’t in the situation to pay the local, hand-made products and food, we needed to shop everything in the supermarket. Now we buy most of our supplements from the farmers and locally: honey, eggs, milk, meat only direct from butcher who has their own animals, seasonal fruits and vegetables and we minimalized our shopping in the supermarket. Even in the supermarket we are looking for the local products in first place. Here is my list, what we have changed in our family:

  • Changed the toothbrush to bamboo toothbrush
  • Buying toothpaste without the paper packaging
  • Don’t run water unnecessarily when washing hand or tooth
  • Taking showers instead of bathing
  • We don’t buy new clothes, just when some old ones needs to be dumped
  • We donate the old clothes, that are still in the condition to wear
  • We don’t buy prepared food, we cook at home
  • We only cook as much as we eat, to minimize food-waste
  • We don’t buy water, we bring out water bottles with ourselves
  • I use a re-usable zip-bag for my son’s snacks
  • We bring our shopping bags with us
  • We try to avoid products packed in plastic
  • We try to buy quality products, that are lasting longer
  • Our electric devices are not on standby mode, they all shut down, when not in use – the difference was significant!
  • All our bulbs are LED since 10 years now
  • We buy rechargeable batteries, instead of single use ones
  • I only put full load of laundries in the washing machine
  • Mostly I use baking soda and vinegar to clean and steam mop for my floor
  • Try to avoid any chemicals, while cleaning, but using when it’s need to

Of course, these practices were implemented step by step over the years and also not playing the hypocrite here, I say the people come always first. By that I mean, when someone is not in the financial situation to spend money on local and/or handmade products or buy quality products it’s important to acknowledge that, it’s not a bad thing. Everyone has a family or at least themselves to buy clothes and food for and if their options are limited, then it’s limited and there is no room to shame that. We don’t know each other’s stories and budget. But, when it comes to the people, who could afford to turn into a more consciously consuming person, then I think it’s important to change and do our bests, what we could do in order to simply be a decent human being, feeling responsible for others, the community and generally do steps to give a more healthier planet for the upcoming generations, so they can have a nice life on Earth too.

The same mindset of minimalism I’m implemented on my brand too. Whenever it’s possible I work with small businesses, so I know the people personally and I know I pay a fair price for their work and the quality, what I get is outstanding, because they care too. I choose only certified, quality materials and only from Europe to minimize the shipping routes and all negative effects on the environment. Also, I’m creating unique accessories from the fabric leftovers, so the waste is even more minimized, and the customers are happy to buy one-of-a-kind items. Also, I’m happy to have a rotating assortment and work with the leftovers is a truly creative task and they really keep me inspired. If you wish a unique bag for yourself or for a beloved one too, please drop an e-mail to info@triszthebrand.com.

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