Coming in 2024 - Trisz Design first business wear collection

Coming in 2024 - Trisz Design first business wear collection

My motto: trends are temporary, but having a style is timeless.

My vision is to create a sustainable fashion label, which is stylish, timeless meanwhile taking responsibility for being sourced fairly, using shortest delivery chain, partnering regional, small businesses and fair payments in the production. My goal is to give a healthy and ethic alternative against fast fashion. Respecting the principle of “think global, act local”, my rules are the following: sourced in Europe, made in Europe, selling in Europe.

The shape of my blazers and trousers are following the proportions of the feminine body, while providing a comfortable fit, regardless the size. They made of 100% cotton sateen, which gives a natural light sheer to the surface, making it looking even more precious and the quality is outstanding and durable. I’ve created my first collection in two main colour sections – the first is having a black base, decorating it with patterned fabrics in vivid colours: Very Peri colour of Pantone 2022, Viva Magenta colour of Pantone 2023 and my personal favourite is Tigerlily colour of Pantone 2004. The second section is having the main colour of the patterned fabrics as the base colour for the garment. The second section is having red, white and green by no accident, it is an honouring gesture to my Hungarian heritage, representing the national flag colours.

The patterns are inspired by the flower power movement and here they are standing against the norm, that usual business wear is unicoloured. We are living in the freedom of dressing, we are able in our free time to wear, what we want and how we want, to express our own personality and style. Yet in the working area there are still very strict guidelines what is considered appropriate. I’m taking here my stand and rebel against. I’m giving an option for the women, who would like to show their true themselves even in the working atmosphere, while staying looking professional. However the style is fitting in every spare-time occasion too, without being too serious.

Personalities of my collection:

  1. The Minimalist. Most parts of the garment are unicoloured, with decent piping of the patterned fabrics. However, the inner lining is unfolding the original patterned fabrics and blooming in its fullness, symbolizing that internally everyone having their own whole world, they just might don’t show-off. The blazer is slim fit, the trousers are tapered.
  2. The Idealist. No surprise it’s coming with the balanced proportions of having the garment divided in 50-50% of the unicoloured and patterned fabrics. Also, imitating the hour-glass figure, which is the most idealized body-type of the 21st The blazer is regular fit, the trousers are moderate bell bottoms.
  3. The Maximalist. Who wants it all and can have it all. In this style the wearer can find curved lines and sharp angles too. This garment bears the highest percentage of the patterned fabrics, the blazer is wider and longer than regular fit, yet not oversized, keeping the feminine look as priority. The trouser are straight fit, with an unusual extension maximalizing it to its extraordinary look.

In all conclusions: I think it is essential to be more conscious also in production and in consuming any kind of products. Using my collection to say it on my own terms:

we should be a bit more minimalists in consuming, idealists of visioning what this world we want to be and maximalists in taking actions to reach our goals. So, the upcoming generations can afford a nice and healthy life of planet Earth too.


Credits for the photographs: Dóra Illés-Antal – Hedwig Photography

Patterns of the fabrics are created by Trisz Design – Beatrisz Hegyi-Tarsoly, printed by Cottonbee

Garments are designed by Trisz Design – Beatrisz Hegyi-Tarsoly, produced in All in Tailor Kft – Hungary.

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