Bizarre, weird and grotesque. Yes, all these in fashion!

Bizarre, weird and grotesque. Yes, all these in fashion!

I'm proudly introducing the next artist and her T-shirt sequence for you: Tímea Diána Jakab.

My very dear ex-colleague.
We worked together at the Budapest airport, we know each other from there.
Regards her studies, she graduated from Mod'Art Style&Design with a degree
in Fashion Journalism and Stylist at the KREA Art School.
Her special graphics and illustrations are unique and captivating to me.
 No wonder, as it perfectly mixes the fashion genre with grotesque elements
that remind me of my favorite director, Tim Burton.
So there was no question for me that I would definitely love to include her
 works in my l’art pour l’art series. What makes this sequence special is that
we designed two separate tops from one of the drawings,
 which is originally about pairing, and completing each other, so it makes the
perfect matching outfit for “best-friends” occasions.


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