
Who I am?

I’m Beatrisz, the founder and the owner of Trisz – that’s the name of my brand. Let me introduce myself. I’m 32 years old, married and have a little boy who will be 2 in January. I was born in Hungary but living in Germany since 2014. 
My studies are economics, management and marketing, and by profession I’m a make-up artist and still working as part-time in the cosmetic industry in travel retail. So as a make-up artist colours, shapes, lines and different looks are very common daily topics for me, but bringing them to fabrics is a very new experience for me. Until now I was a consumer in the fashion industry and now I stepped into creation.
How and why I have started? Since I was little child I was intertested in handcrafts and with my grandma we did a lot of knitting, crocheting, embroidery and sewing as well. I also like drawing in my free time and making photography.
And one day I woke up and I felt the urge to translate the creativity inside of me into something, of which I was not sure yet how, but I was very sure, that I want to create something. Then I was brainstorming for couple of weeks and I looked around in our appartment and actually I just realized that most of our things – from the furniture until the colour of the walls, the decoration – everything is just personalized and custom made either for us, or by us. So moving on this idea I thought I could then also design my own clothes. And it just felt right, because I also struggle a lot by buying clothes, because either I don’t like the entire look, the material or it does not suit my bodytype. So I thought, why not, let’s make my own clothes.
And as I just started googleing how can I create my own clothes I thought, if I already make mine, I could make it for other as well. This was the point when the idea of having an apparel company being borned this very year in April. From here the story goes on in two paralel ways. The first one is I tried to find a manufacturer and get quotations for the first collection I created, meanwhile on the other hand I already started to create my own patterns and let them printed onto fabrics. It doesn’t took long to realise that starting from scratch and wanting a small, limited collection is not quite possible without the right connections and bigger collections are out of my budget, but the fabrics were already home. So what shall I do now? – I asked myself and as I was looking and wrapping those fabrics around me – it became all clear – these could be beautiful scarves and I could sew them by myself. This is how my first scarf collection been born, deeper about that I will write in a different chapter.
Back to the main topic: this blogs posts will be about my brand, my collections and I also plan little fun-fact-fashion stories linking to my products, which I plan to post once every week. So if you are interested, please visit my site time to time and also you can follow me on other social media platforms – the links are here below. Thank you for reading and stay stuned. Bye.
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