My first scarf collection - methods and production

My first scarf collection - methods and production

As I wrote in the first blog post (Who I am), now I’m going to write deeper about my scarf collection. As shared previously, I already had my fabrics with my own designed prints at home and I was unsure what to do with them. Accidentally I came across the idea, that I will sew scarves from them. As I am a big fan of scarves and having many at home – I opened my wardrobe and collected in bullet points what I like about them and what not. For example I love smaller, silky ones, but as they are square format, I always need to fold it and sometimes it could get bulky. So I was thinking about I could measure out a nice length and width, fold the fabric – so I have the pattern on both sides and tie it with a knot or use a ring. No more bulky feeling, no more folding the square in a hurry, just simply tying it on my neck. I started of course to do my research, if there is any skinny scarf on the market, and if so what is the competition. Then I came across of course, as you could have already imagined – the Twilly scarves of Hermes and all of their knock-offs from noname sellers. So basically I re-invented warm-water… just so typical me… haha. Anyway, as I was still considered, this is the right model to produce I checked the existing items closer. I discovered, that many sellers are offering one-size-fits-all skinny scarf, which means for neck, ponytail, wrist, handbag handle, etc same size… here I started to be sceptic how a scarf with a nice length and width, which looks great around the neck, wouldn’t it be too big, too long around the ponytail? Just simply, as the dimensions are not the same. Here I decided to produce two different products – one, which is the scarf for the neck, and a shorter, thinner version – for the ponytail/wrist or the handle of a handbag. Some of these accessoires are having the same designs as the scarves, some are having different designs, but you can still do a mix and match, depending on your personal preferences. A side note on the asseccoire on the handbag – I see on many pictures, that they are wrapped on the handle. If you are like me, and carrying bricks around in your bag, the last thing you would want to destroy those beautiful pieces of fabrics or get them dirty. Therefore I just attach them on the handle, but letting them hang at the side of the bag. Also I added a nice charm to each, which is quite unique referring to my researches, and I’m using real semi-precious stones, as they are well known for their good energies and vibes. So this is all about, how I designed the sizes of my scarves and accessories. Now I let's discover more about my prints – as they are quite unique in the making too. So, as I wrote already I love photography too and I’m obsessed with nature’s creation and for me there is nothing else more beautiful than that. It was for me quite clear that I want a flowery collection as I adore all the shapes and colours of every petal and I’m in love with the 60s-70s hippie flower-power style too, which I integrated in a modern and chic way. So usually when I see other flower prints on fabrics they are all sooo artificial and too much for me, I hardly find really nice flower prints. Therefore I decided to use my own pictures as a base and re-work digitally for my patterns, instead of creating 100% digital artwork. Using this method I was able to keep the natural lights and shades that I wanted, nevertheless to say the various colour range of the petals. Also, I think all this method is adding an extra depth, dimension and texture for the fabrics, when they are printed on them. Last but not least, after sewing the first trials I was very happy and satisfied with the results, so I ordered even more fabrics and created all these 8 prints you can purchase from my shop at the moment. Very important to add here, that the patterns are not measured on the scarf dimensions on purpose. Just like every flower and petal is unique, so shall my scarves be unique too. That’s why in each peace you can discover different part of the patterns and making them really one-of-a-kind piece. Thank you for reading, please check out my catalog and follow me on other social media platforms too – links are here below. Stay tuned. Bye.


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